Dec 21, 2021 – The train operator asked for support, heard the radio call, and it took several stops for the supervisor to even appear. Saw several TriMet employees in white shirts on platforms. None of them responded until I got to Hillsboro. Then when the one did come on on the train they threw down some saw dust and signaled to the train operator that they were good to go. So the saw dust is  thrown on the urine…the homeless riders urinated. They both seem like they are on drugs, they would have to be to release their urine with no reality they are doing it. I pointed out the feces to the supervisor and they didn’t even radio for someone to clear it up. They said someone would be along eventually from the cleaning crew. So I guess the paying public gets to step in it and drag it through the train. So much for sanitary conditions in the middle of a pandemic.